Sunday, March 16, 2008

Rory Visits the Zoo

We escaped to the toasty Tropics Trail at the Minnesota Zoo a couple of weekends ago. Rory was kind of stoic throughout the trip, although she did like the "tee-tles" (turtles). She perked up even more when we reached the end of the trail, took her out of her stroller and let her run.

14 Months

Rory took a spill in early February and ended up with a nasty shiner under her left eye. We tried to get some shots with her in a backwards baseball cap holding a mitt, but she's not so much with the sitting still these days -- this was all we could manage.
She's all about feeding her babies their bottles or putting them to sleep on rugs, placemats, dish towels...whatever she can find.

This is just a shot of her helping us clean the house one busy Saturday a couple of weeks ago. Too cute!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Valentine's Day

For Valentine's Day, we took Rory to Peg's Countryside Cafe for dinner, and then came home and opened presents.

Mmm...macaroni & cheese!

Rory reaches in to find a bear and a monkey...

...and a Sesame Street peekaboo book. She LOVES the book (especially Oscar), and has ripped off some of the pop-up hands. Packaging tape to the rescue!