In July, we were excited to support Kelsey during her run for Aquatennial Queen of the Lakes. Here she is with some other Southern Minnesota royalty following coronation:

From L to R: 2009-2010 Miss Gibbon, Johanna Forst, 2008-2009 Miss Sibley County, Mandi Matz, 2009-2010 Miss Winthrop, Mollie Sloot, 2007-2008 Miss Gibbon, Anna Ahlbrecht and Kelsey (2008-2009 Miss Gibbon).
One of the highlights of the week is the Torchlight Parade, which we decided to brave, regardless of its decidedly untoddler-friendly 8:30 p.m. start time.

Rory stopped to try out all the handprints at the Interdistrict Downtown School on the way to our parade-watching spot.

She was doing great while we waited -- snacks are always good!

She got up to stretch her legs and scope things out...

...more waiting, getting a little groggy...

...and then she just plopped right down on Hennepin Avenue and almost fell asleep. The police sirens at the beginning barely stirred her. She eventually caught her second wind, and by the end of the night, she couldn't wait to grow up so she could be in a marching band. Words can't describe her excitement...see for yourself: